Any fool can criticise, condemn & complain and most fools do |
The human evolution theory suggests, today’s modern man has evolved from apes. Even today we have some common ground with the apes from the forest. But to believe that we have common ground with the killer whales of the deep blue sea is rather unusual. According to Ken Blanchard and the co-authors of ‘Whale Done’, men do have something astute in common with the whales; the TRUST factor. Today our origin has come to a point where we assume everyone comes with an ulterior motive and thus must not be trusted or we are superior and thus the other is not capable of our trust. Here is where we must learn a lesson from the whales. In order to be able to train a killer whale for a sea show, you must be able to teach him. Teaching the world’s most dangerous predator that can eat anything in sight is an easy task if you get him to trust you. That is the stepping stone to building a positive relationship.
How you do they get the killer whales to perform magnificent tricks? They stimulated them when they did things right and redirected their energy when they did things wrong. They were able to shift the actions, collaborate together and encourage them towards the excellence performance. The more attention you pay to certain behavior, the more it will be repeated. It’s like child’s play – the more we clap when the child does the trick, the more motivated he is to do it again. What you focus on is key. Focus on the ‘accentuating the positive’ at all times. Motivating people and creating a world-class organization, is knowing how to manage people’s energy. If it works with these killer whales, why won’t it work with humans?
In addition to this there is a theory about how we can stimulate this excellent performance. The ABC. The Activator stimulates the performance you want. Behavior comes after activation and it is the performance that occurs. Ultimately, we have the Consequence of the behavior that occurred. This is where the manager must provide a response.
Generally if the behavior is acceptable they will either provide no response or if the behavior is unacceptable they provide negative response. On the contrary the best form of response is positive (encouragement and appreciation) when everything is in control and redirection (focusing back on the original task) when everything is not in control. People need to know it’s the behavior not the people that is unacceptable. Make sure people have the same perception to the commitments as you.
We are used to pointing mistakes and blaming others at home and in an organization, but what builds synergy and human relations is the exact opposite. To get rid of people doing the wrong things, you must start catching people do the right things. Praise the progress as it’s a moving target. Praise, appreciation, acknowledgement and encouragement are positive ways of building trust and mutual cooperation. The more focus on positive will encourage more positive behavior and thus a self-sustaining positive environment.
It is a fact of life that people love to complain, particularly about how terrible the modern world is compared with past. They are nearly always wrong. On just about any dimensions you can think of warfare, crime, income, education, transportation, worker safety, health the twenty first century is far more hospitable to the average human than any earlier time.
Dealing with people was the most important aspect Carnegie Institute of Technology & found that 15% one’s financial success is due to subject matter expert. 85% depend on skill in human engineering and ability to lead people.
So in conclusion
1. Do not fear on future, do not feel sorry about lost past and one has to live on current.
2. Have goals for each day, week, month, year then you are owner and winner of ABC (Activator, Behavior, Consequence).
3. TRUST is the source of achievement for every part of life and relations