Friday, 28 February 2014

ABC factor in life

Any fool can criticise, condemn & complain and most fools do
The human evolution theory suggests, today’s modern man has evolved from apes.  Even today we have some common ground with the apes from the forest. But to believe that we have common ground with the killer whales of the deep blue sea is rather unusual. According to Ken Blanchard and the co-authors of ‘Whale Done’, men do have something astute in common with the whales; the TRUST factor. Today our origin has come to a point where we assume everyone comes with an ulterior motive and thus must not be trusted or we are superior and thus the other is not capable of our trust. Here is where we must learn a lesson from the whales. In order to be able to train a killer whale for a sea show, you must be able to teach him. Teaching the world’s most dangerous predator that can eat anything in sight is an easy task if you get him to trust you. That is the stepping stone to building a positive relationship.

How you do they get the killer whales to perform magnificent tricks? They stimulated them when they did things right and redirected their energy when they did things wrong. They were able to shift the actions, collaborate together and encourage them towards the excellence performance. The more attention you pay to certain behavior, the more it will be repeated. It’s like child’s play – the more we clap when the child does the trick, the more motivated he is to do it again. What you focus on is key. Focus on the ‘accentuating the positive’ at all times. Motivating people and creating a world-class organization, is knowing how to manage people’s energy. If it works with these killer whales, why won’t it work with humans?
In addition to this there is a theory about how we can stimulate this excellent performance. The ABC. The Activator stimulates the performance you want. Behavior comes after activation and it is the performance that occurs. Ultimately, we have the Consequence of the behavior that occurred. This is where the manager must provide a response.
Generally if the behavior is acceptable they will either provide no response or if the behavior is unacceptable they provide negative response. On the contrary the best form of response is positive (encouragement and appreciation) when everything is in control and redirection (focusing back on the original task) when everything is not in control. People need to know it’s the behavior not the people that is unacceptable. Make sure people have the same perception to the commitments as you.
We are used to pointing mistakes and blaming others at home and in an organization, but what builds synergy and human relations is the exact opposite. To get rid of people doing the wrong things, you must start catching people do the right things. Praise the progress as it’s a moving target. Praise, appreciation, acknowledgement and encouragement are positive ways of building trust and mutual cooperation. The more focus on positive will encourage more positive behavior and thus a self-sustaining positive environment.
It is a fact of life that people love to complain, particularly about how terrible the modern world is compared with past. They are nearly always wrong. On just about any dimensions you can think of warfare, crime, income, education, transportation, worker safety, health the twenty first century is far more hospitable to the average human than any earlier time.
Dealing with people was the most important aspect Carnegie Institute of Technology & found that 15% one’s financial success is due to subject matter expert. 85% depend on skill in human engineering and ability to lead people.
So in conclusion
1.     Do not fear on future, do not feel sorry about lost past and one has to live on current.

2.   Have goals for each day, week, month, year then you are owner and winner of ABC (Activator, Behavior, Consequence).

3.  TRUST is the source of achievement for every part of life and relations

Friday, 21 February 2014

Do we need to stand alone and aloof?

You have a right to be yourself to accomplish your dreams - Dr V V Rao 
In these hard times, do we need to stand alone and aloof? My answer is a ‘BIG No’. Does anyone like to be alone? Are our families alone?  Are we down - hearted? Our feelings keep changing as well as such thoughts keep coming and going. But what we want to appreciate is that every man, woman in the situation has not entertained the thought of quitting from the present struggles. I am confident one can take the hard times and emerge a WINNER once again. And that brings us to the need to connect after long duration of struggle being enveloped in the jaws of low morale, out of the mouth of sadness, while all cynics are kept wondering when shall the reputation and faith of this generation of family be successful yet again? I believe that for many long years ahead, not only will people of this society, rather all our families must remember our victory. Wherever the bird of freedom chirps in human hearts and looks back to what we have gone through and what we've done, they will say "do not quit, results did not yield without efforts”,  turn around straight forward and stay successful as a team and people.  We have emerged from one deadly struggle - a terrible fear has been cast on the ground and awaiting for our judgment and our mercy!
We, as the management, believe it is our moral duty and obligation to inform a larger section of the organization regarding the current situation as well as the future plans. As human beings, it is our obligation to visit people when they are sick, when people require us, when people need courage, when people continue to fight all odds, to keep the turbines up and running. It is for all such people, we believe, we need to find the opportunity to connect and reassure!

According to the human evolution theory, our sophisticated modern man has evolved from apes. It is not hard to believe that even today we have some common ground with the apes from the forest. But to believe we have common ground with the killer whales of the deep blue sea is rather unusual. According to Ken Blanchard the author of ‘Whale Done’, men do have something astute in common with the whales; the TRUST factor. Over centuries we have revolutionized into a socially acceptable society with norms, cultures and values. Though it is not picture perfect, it has its dents and broken intricacies. Our origin has come to a point where we assume everyone comes with an ulterior motive and thus must not be trusted or we are superior and thus the other is not capable of our trust. Here is where we must learn a lesson from the whales. In order to be able to train a killer whale for a sea show, you must be able to teach him. Teaching the world’s most dangerous predator that can eat anything in sight is an easy task if you get him to trust you. That is the stepping stone to building a positive relationship.

Moving to crux of the world’s current crisis – how do you get people to do what you want them to do? Be it at par performance at the work place during an economic slowdown or harmony at home with your spouse and children. It is a three step rule. 1. Build trust 2. Accentuate the positive. 3. Redirect the energy from negative and mistakes.

As human beings we tend to underestimate the abilities of animal, assuming we are the ultimate social beings – but start with an open mind and explore the possibilities. Same goes for people. To build trust accentuate the positive by paying attention to the whale while he does something right. The more attention you pay to behaviour the more it will be repeated. It’s like child’s play – the more we clap when the child does the trick, the more motivated he is to do it again. At the same time, when a mistake is made, redirect the energy back to the right way of doing things rather than criticizing them about where they made the mistake. As easy as said this is indeed challenging to always turn away from the mistakes and praise the positive. We are used to pointing mistakes and blaming others at home and in an organization, but what builds synergy and human relations is the exact opposite.

For most personnel in the corporate world today, there lies a big challenge. Motivating the employees, sustaining the talent, getting high end performance and all this is to be done at low cost. In order to trigger this one must Activate the behaviour that we want by motivating people, then observe the Behaviour taking place and ultimate respond as a Consequence. (ABC of performance) On a concluding note, the famous naturalist and geologist Charles Darwin, in his 1859 work about evolution states that ‘homo sapiens’ has only survived on Planet Earth because of their ability to adapt to change while the other genetic lines died off. Therefore we must stick to the motto but keep changing the ways motivate –be it whales or people at home and work for a positive harmonious and progressive life ahead. 

Saturday, 15 February 2014

How to think positive? Just Believe!

Believe in yourself and people will be forced to believe in you. - Dr V V Rao

There may be days when you get up in the morning and things are not the way you had hoped they would be. That is when you have to tell yourself that things will get better. There are times when people disappoint you and let you down. Those are again the times when you must remind yourself to trust your own judgments and opinions, to keep your life focused on believing in yourself. Man is his own star” and 'All acts are our Angels' to believe your own thought, to believe that what is true for you, in your private heart, is true for all men. There will be challenges to face and changes to make in your life and it solely depends on you to accept them. Constantly keep yourself on the right track, despite the hurdles and distractions. It may not be easy at times, but in those times of struggle you will find a stronger sense of 'who you are' and 'where you belong'. So when you face days filled with frustration and unexpected responsibilities, remember to believe in yourself. Else, tomorrow a stranger will say with masterly good sense precisely what we have thought and felt all the time. We shall then be forced to accept with shame our own opinion from another. Remember what you want your life to be. Believe in yourself and people will be forced to believe in you. Millions of people fail to believe in a life they have always wished to live. They fail to realize their ambitions and give up on their big dreams no sooner they encounter the first obstacle. The power which resides in you is not new in nature. You know what that is which you can do, you like one face, one character, one fact and they all makes best impression on you. The impression in the memory is not without pre-established harmony. ”Trusting yourself vibrates your heart to that iron strong string” all great men have always done so. Our arithmetic computations are opposed to our purpose in life. During the Dot Com boom, practically everyone was buying internet stocks madly. One of the few people who did not buy them was Warren Buffet. At that time, everyone criticized Buffet for his extreme caution and skepticism when dealing with these new stocks. Few years later, after the Dot Com bubble took place everyone lost a lot of money while Buffet ended up being the second richest man in the world! Believe in own vision was one of the reason for his success. We must be ashamed to think how easily we capitulate to badges and layers. One has to be upright and vital and speak the rude truth in all ways. There is a class of persons to whom you do not belong and there is class of persons to who by all spiritual affinity you are bought and sold for them you may go to prison if need be. The other terror that scares us from self trust is our consistency. If you work for gallery it loses your time and blurs the impression of your character. Alex Haley received 200 rejections before he published the novel 'Roots' which is now published in 37 languages, won the Pulitzer Prize and had become a popular television mini-series in 1977. In the early development stages of Microsoft, the company was going to be sold. The buyer turned the offer down because he thought that people would not need to put computers in their homes. Then Bill Gates became the richest man in the world! Sometimes things happen to you, which at that particular moment may seem horrible, painful and unfair, but in retrospection, you will realize that without having overcome those obstacles, you would never have realized your true potential, strength and willpower. Speak your latent conviction and it shall be universal sense. When we remember Moses, Plato and Einstein, we speak about what they thought. A man should learn to detect and watch that gleam of light which flashes across his mind from within, more than the soft glow of the group of scent from herbal plants.

Friday, 7 February 2014

Follow the path of highest enjoyment and blow the lid off

If I am always comparing myself with other human beings, I will either suffer from ego or jealousy
The easiest and most loving ways to complete a dream is to give yourself alternatives for what you want to do. On the other hand, try and give yourself the flexibility over what to do, it becomes like a big adventure. You get to decide what you like to do best, and you can do it. It excites you because you have an element of choice. This is the path of highest enjoyment – doing what makes you feel happiest at the moment. When you do so, you automatically become productive and proud about yourself and feel good about the work you have accomplished. Following the path of enjoyment is an apple of your mind’s eye. We have heard about when we do not attach ourselves so passionately to the action and it results into a failure you were not attached because you were not enjoying. That is pretty clear. Yet we do expect in our lives greatest results. We are convinced that we reap only what we sown. At this juncture and a part of this chapter if I do not talk about Mr. Jack Welch of GE it will be a big negligence on my part.
Early priorities: Thomas Edison founded GE in the year 1878. When the 45 year old Welch became CEO in 1981, the US economy was in a recession. To leverage performance in GE’s diverse portfolio of businesses, the new CEO challenges each to be ‘better than the best’ and announced for a radical change over in the next five years. But as GE managers struggled to build #1 and #2 positions in a recessionary environment and global Japan’s industrial pressure during that time GE freed up $ 11 billion by selling more than 200 businesses also made 370 acquisitions investing more than $21 billion. Internally Welch’s insistence that GE become more ‘lean and agile’ resulted in highly disciplined de-staffing process. As he continued to chip away at bureaucracy, Welch next scrapped GE’s laborious strategic planning system and corporate planning. The budgeting process was re-installed by scrapping the just internal documenting process and he instituted a comparison with external similar industries. In the span of 8 years he de-staffed 59,000 salaried and 64,000 hourly positions. The second stage: By the late 1980s, most of the GE restructuring was complete and now major work on rebuilding process started. Both management operating system and supporting management hardware instituted. Best practices: Welch’s relentless pursuit of ideas to increase productivity resulted in the birth of related movement called ‘Best Practices’. Simple principle of ‘How can we learn from the other companies that are achieving higher productivity than GE?’. For example one of the auditors explained: ‘When I started 10 years ago, the first thing I did was count the $5,000 in the petty cash box. Today, we look at $5 million in inventory on the floor, searching for process improvements that will bring it down.’ Then he focused on ‘Developing leaders’, ‘Going global’, ‘Boundary less behavior’, ‘Achieving the impossible’, and ‘Service business from 15% to 75%’ from 1981 to 1999 with his relentless initiatives, changes, and improvements built the confidence back in the company. The Six Sigma Quality Initiative: When a 1995 company survey showed that GE employees were dissatisfied with the quality of its products, processes and services. GE adopted the Six sigma model at the annual general meeting, Welch announced that in the first two years of Six sigma, GE had saved $750 million and the DNA of the organization towards quality and productivity has been institutionalized. Jack Welch glowed with pride at GE Annual Meeting in 1999. For the first time GE revenue exceeded $100 billion, operating margin was all time high of 16.7%, and earnings per share had increased over 14%, the fortune poll of US corporate executives had voted GE the country’s ‘Most admired company’ for the second year running, and the Financial Times had named it the ‘Most Respected Company in the world’ in the year 2000 Jack Welch retired at the age of 64 years.[ Strategic Management, Gregory G Dess, G T Lumpkin, Marilyn L Taylor ]

For about 20 years, he managed the company from a level of survival to a $100 billion company. It was only possible because he was enjoying and loving what he was doing year on year, he was open to new practices, ideas, talents, techniques and robust behaviors. He finished most of the initiatives, targets, aspirations and developments he had started and more importantly he was able to leave behind so many valuable lessons for the future generations.

Sunday, 2 February 2014

To reduce others pain we need Wisdom, to reduce our pain we need Medicin

Wisdom consists not so much in knowing what to do in the long run as in knowing what to do next
‘To reduce our own pain we need Medicine, to reduce others pain we need Wisdom’ - Dr V. V. Rao

Role models are crucial to your self-improvement path. Having role models in your life can change you ceaselessly. You can become your true self, and then maybe encourage others the way you had been inspired. Look for your role models, your influencers. Never stop looking, they can be great people who left much behind them, they can be the person behind the corner, or you can find them in your father or mother, or close friend. True role models are those who hold the qualities that we would like to have and those who have affected us in a way that makes us want to be better people. 

Role models are very much important for us psychologically, helping to guide us through life during our development, to make important decisions that affect the result and purpose of our lives, and to help us find happiness in later life. When we are growing up we look to our role models for simulation and use this as a descriptive outline. This is likely a successful method developed to move us to copy the traits of those successful members of our society and thereby help us to be successful too.

A character is like an acrostic or Vedic stanza read it forward, backward, or across, it spells the same thing. Let a man know his worth and keep things under his feet.

Spartan: The ancient Spartans were noted for their courage and fortitude

Julius Caesar: 100-44 B.C. He was a great Roman general, statesman, orator, and author.

St. Anthony: 251-356 A.D. Egyptian founder of monarchism the system of monastic seclusion.

Britney Spears: She is taking control of raising today’s children. Her perfect looks and sexual appeal have mesmerized young viewers. Children and teens strive to be just like her.

Michael Jordan: He is a Basketball player when someone says the name Michael Jordan, the first thing that comes to our mind is basketball. Through the years, Michael Jordan has proved time and time again that he is the greatest basketball player ever produced.

John Wesley: English founder of the religious society known as Methodists