Saturday, 15 February 2014

How to think positive? Just Believe!

Believe in yourself and people will be forced to believe in you. - Dr V V Rao

There may be days when you get up in the morning and things are not the way you had hoped they would be. That is when you have to tell yourself that things will get better. There are times when people disappoint you and let you down. Those are again the times when you must remind yourself to trust your own judgments and opinions, to keep your life focused on believing in yourself. Man is his own star” and 'All acts are our Angels' to believe your own thought, to believe that what is true for you, in your private heart, is true for all men. There will be challenges to face and changes to make in your life and it solely depends on you to accept them. Constantly keep yourself on the right track, despite the hurdles and distractions. It may not be easy at times, but in those times of struggle you will find a stronger sense of 'who you are' and 'where you belong'. So when you face days filled with frustration and unexpected responsibilities, remember to believe in yourself. Else, tomorrow a stranger will say with masterly good sense precisely what we have thought and felt all the time. We shall then be forced to accept with shame our own opinion from another. Remember what you want your life to be. Believe in yourself and people will be forced to believe in you. Millions of people fail to believe in a life they have always wished to live. They fail to realize their ambitions and give up on their big dreams no sooner they encounter the first obstacle. The power which resides in you is not new in nature. You know what that is which you can do, you like one face, one character, one fact and they all makes best impression on you. The impression in the memory is not without pre-established harmony. ”Trusting yourself vibrates your heart to that iron strong string” all great men have always done so. Our arithmetic computations are opposed to our purpose in life. During the Dot Com boom, practically everyone was buying internet stocks madly. One of the few people who did not buy them was Warren Buffet. At that time, everyone criticized Buffet for his extreme caution and skepticism when dealing with these new stocks. Few years later, after the Dot Com bubble took place everyone lost a lot of money while Buffet ended up being the second richest man in the world! Believe in own vision was one of the reason for his success. We must be ashamed to think how easily we capitulate to badges and layers. One has to be upright and vital and speak the rude truth in all ways. There is a class of persons to whom you do not belong and there is class of persons to who by all spiritual affinity you are bought and sold for them you may go to prison if need be. The other terror that scares us from self trust is our consistency. If you work for gallery it loses your time and blurs the impression of your character. Alex Haley received 200 rejections before he published the novel 'Roots' which is now published in 37 languages, won the Pulitzer Prize and had become a popular television mini-series in 1977. In the early development stages of Microsoft, the company was going to be sold. The buyer turned the offer down because he thought that people would not need to put computers in their homes. Then Bill Gates became the richest man in the world! Sometimes things happen to you, which at that particular moment may seem horrible, painful and unfair, but in retrospection, you will realize that without having overcome those obstacles, you would never have realized your true potential, strength and willpower. Speak your latent conviction and it shall be universal sense. When we remember Moses, Plato and Einstein, we speak about what they thought. A man should learn to detect and watch that gleam of light which flashes across his mind from within, more than the soft glow of the group of scent from herbal plants.

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