Friday, 13 June 2014

Walk to the end of the earth

Take a deep, relaxed deep breath in; have a more relaxed breath out. Think about an internal question to yourself “WHO AM I?” Let your mind, body and heart are trying to answer this question. Let your mind be curious, not fearful, not greedy, not bothered, not looking for effectiveness or for an artistic thing and ask one more time “Who am I!” with calmness around you, silence around you, leaving your cell phone, IPAD, I-note and all gadgets far from you. Ask again one more time incase if you find an answer script it down whatever comes to your thought and array of thoughts. Keep continue the questioning deeper and deeper till you satisfy your gut and feel yourself about “Who are you”, “What is your role” you wanted to play in your own life, “What is the purpose” you want to relate your-self a bigger cause of your existence. When you really Google yourself and you discovered your-self from all those millions of thoughts. 

Yes, Yes You must and should live for that gigantic chief cause. Once you start doing it you get happiness, peace, satisfaction, meaning to your life and joy. Then it makes you powerful, passionate and hungry to make your cause to a reality.

On January 15, 2009, Captain C B Sullenberger made an emergency landing of his fifty-ton passenger aircraft, softly gliding in onto the Hudson River in New York City, saving the lives of all 155 people on board. In his case the first clue that he became a hero in his teens, when most of his friends were getting their driver’s licenses, he got his pilot license. He found himself as a pilot. Identify yourself and you will understand your natural motivation the thing for which you would walk to the end of the earth.

One of the top five regrets of the dying is “I wish I’d had the courage to live a true to myself, not the life others expected of me.”

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