Learn more, More will Rise, Rise will Shine - Dr V V Rao |
What are they good at? What are their talents? What are their souls’ urges? What are they like when they are at their best? When we help people find good in others, people will enjoy being led, they will be more receptive, enthusiastic to our opinions and guidance.
Learning: Hitler had a powerful and aggressive ally, Japan. He knew that Japan was considering attacking either the North (they had a non declared border war with Russia then in the Far East), or the South (against South East Asia and the US). He did not bother to try to coordinate his invasion of Russia with Japan or even inform them. If he did, Japan would stay at war with Russia for 8 more months and that alone would be enough to keep the large Russian forces in the Far East until the German army advanced all the way to Moscow by December 1941. Instead, the uninformed Japan signed a non-aggression pact with Russia just two month before Hitler invaded them, and as a result, when the exhausted and frozen German invaders reached Moscow and thought that Russia had no further reserves, they were massively attacked by fresh Russian units who had been transferred from the Japanese border in the Far East.
There are moments in our life when we are forced to work with people who have irritated every fiber of our very being. We did not like them because they exploited people; they were arrogant, abusive, loud and combative. And yet, we knew they were the ones who had some amazing talents and therefore, it was a privilege that we got the chance to work with that person and learn something which we did not know earlier. When that person moves away, we cease to miss that person, rather miss their unique skills and talents.
A prominent periodical wrote about the ‘amazing’ career of a successful business woman. What made her success all the more remarkable was the fact that she had had no previous business experience. So she had been asked to outline the principles upon which she had built her business. When she submitted the article, the publisher exclaimed, ‘Astounding, these ideas are not new but their application is unique’. Would you mind telling me where you got them? She then smiled and said, from my colleagues who are the subject matter experts of their own field.
There are many avenues, ideas, talents, skills and competencies in each person you come across in your life. It is only you who can and has to recognize them with an open mind and spirit.