Thursday, 13 March 2014

Negative peer pressure is a thorn in your side

Loneliness is often the result of one's negative attitude - Dr V V Rao
Peer pressure is the influence exerted by a peer group, encouraging individuals to change their attitude, values, or behaviors in order to conform to group norms. Peer pressure is most common when we get into this trap because of a lack of maturity to handle pressure from friends, colleagues and society. Also we behave negatively towards those who are doing good, earning money, getting promoted and what not. 

'True victory means complete control over the sense of organs'

Peer pressure can also have positive effects when people are pressured toward positive behavior, such as volunteering for charity or excelling in academics or athletics, by their peers. Most of the peers influence each other in negative ways. If women nor allowed to shoddy short cuts then neither should men. What is good for the goose is good for the gander. 

'A person is pronounced great when he can face a difficult situation with happiness'

For example, few employees in a company might try to steal your work and take praise or credit for the work you did. A survey of small US manufacturing firms found that over half have used unethical, and sometimes illegal, tactics to collect information on competitors. Many have, for example, collected pricing details by acting as potential customers. Firm in these businesses spend an estimated $10,000 to $100,000 each gathering information about competitors every year [J. Sindrich, ‘Many Small Manufacturers Admit Deception’ Reuters dispatch, May, 2001]

'What separates a highly developed man from an animal? Thoughts'

A leopard or a lion approaching – but as soon as the danger passes, gazelles stop and go back to grazing peacefully without a care in the world. But human beings cannot distinguish between real dangers and imagined ones. As Mark Williams, a clinical psychology professor at Oxford, explains, "the brain's alarm signals start to be triggered not only by the current scare, but by past threats and future worries ... So when we humans bring to mind other threats and losses, as well as the current scenario, our bodies' fight-or-flight' systems do not switch off when the danger is past. Unlike the gazelles, we don't stop running." This is modern man’s predicament, perfectly summed up by Michel de Montaigne: “There were many terrible things in my life, but most of them never happened.” [Arianna Huffington]

'The more you try to guess, the less you are at rest'

Appeasement:The appeasement of Hitler by Britain and France in 1935-1939 was a huge mistake. Hitler's Germany was initially weak, and gradually became more aggressive as it became stronger. Hitler, the ultimate aggressor who wanted the entire world and said so clearly, could be stopped sooner. But instead, these countries turned to appeasement and to great unilateral reduction of their own military forces. The result was that when Hitler invaded France in 1940, their armies were weak and not modern, while his modern army used not only German weapons, but also the arsenal of the dismantled Czech army, enough to equip 40 divisions. Sacrificing Czechoslovakia to appease Hitler just gave him much more power to defeat the western allies.


  1. 'True victory means complete control over the sense of organs'....Very TRUE ! He must be ARJUN....
    Very difficult!!!

  2. Continue to cultivate your practice of constantly turning your mind back to dwelling in your heart. Then you will gain concentration of mind. Only when you have concentration of mind will you be able to control over the sense of organs.

  3. Happiness is not something that happens. Rather “Happiness is a condition that must be prepared for, cultivated, and defended privately by each person."
