Friday, 13 December 2013

Top ten stumbling blocks: Why you are not taking instantaneous action?

False sense of urgency

Stumbling block 1: Two levels below

You have subconsciously decided that there is no need to make further changes, no need to push yourself to make further growth, and now you can just sit back, prop your feet up, and enjoy your current level.

Stumbling block 2: Status quo

You live in the world of illusion-change believing it as an improvement. This is ultimate nothing can be improved further is a big stumbling block as Bill Gates said “We will never make a 32 bit operating system.” Now you know where you are?

Stumbling block 3: Others mistakes

You find ways to find others mistakes like a bull in a china shop so that you can be released and relaxed in the mist of chaos and uncertainty every time you find others mistakes so that you can escape from the pain and the acceptance of your own failure.

Stumbling block 4: Past success

Your past success ‘the eye of a needle’ is stopping your new growth, harping on your past success will only tickle your funny bone; this is like someone is sitting down on a basket of eggs. We always try to be complacent by bringing your yester year’s performance which is a nano-particle.

Stumbling block 5:  Stress and stressed

You change businesses, bosses, jobs, roles; superficially you take pride in your own artificial growth. Issues remain at grass root level and you are even acutely aware of the real root issues, however you start the change process, thus complicating things and creating artificial stress scenario and give birth to ‘Fountain of Stress Drops’.

Stumbling block 6:  Let’s do tomorrow

A slow or let us do it tomorrow attitude cannot be a blessing in disguise successful people do a tremendous amount of work in a small time period. They have a long list of tasks which are completed daily and they move closer to the achievement of their goals. They focus on work that counts.

Stumbling block 7:  Lazy and less interested

In your day to day life too you come across parasites and they are very lazy and may not take any responsibility to deliver, commit and demonstrate true actions. They live on the data and information of other people’s work and expertise. They are not interested in learning, and doing because they are very lazy, steal the work of others shamelessly, claim that ‘the work was done by them’, they live on false titles.

Stumbling block 8:  Procrastinated

A place you believe is the ultimate so you remain in a jungle of complacence this happens to many. You have been enjoying a stable life at that level for a very long time and just postpone every action, task, step and dream.

Stumbling block 9:  Gut level determination

Develop gut-level determination and nerves of steel, time and life are anonymous. Both are gifts that need to be utilized optimally. When you waste one, you automatically waste the other.

Stumbling block 10: New situation

You also believe that you enrich your experience of the circumstances, situations, scenarios, and people around. Gradually, this experience helps you to create an inextinguishable contentment. If you face a new situation, environment, the need to learn and change to a new circumstance at this point, you will register it as a pain, discomfort, insecure, unsafe, unsheltered, evasive, risk and uncertainty.