Friday, 26 April 2013

Execution is your job and put your money where your mouth is

No one else can do your job, to see through that your dream become a reality, you need to put effort on that. You need to sacrifice the complacence  you need to devote time on your dream, you need to commit your time, effort, skills, capability, money to fulfill your dream, and you need to break your habits, utilize practices & enhance your skills & competency continually. The following questions will help direct effective focus on how you are performing:

Every day look into your dream board and ask yourself “am I doing justification to my dream and am I doing the right things at the right time?”

“Universe on a rubber band”, String theorist Ashok Sen won $3 millions international physics award for expanding the understanding of what is possible. Indian scientist was digging into the deepest mysteries of the universe from a little known research institute in a remote corner of rural state of Uttar Pradesh-India. What is the string theory? “One of the question that always puzzled human kind is, what are we, and everything around us, made of,” Modern science has responded by dividing matter into its smallest particles: Molecules, atoms, electrons, protons, neutrons, quarks and so on. According to string theory, if we could examine these particles with even greater precision – that is currently beyond our technological capacity- we would find that matter ultimately consists of tiny, vibrating loops, like infinitely thin rubber bands. Away from the big city life, Mr. Sen achieved the best and got more out of self in a bigger way than any others who were having excellent facilities and infrastructures. [August’2012 India Today]

All type of execution is your job starting from planning, problem solving, innovation, operations execution and even the best practices of evolution. 

Thursday, 25 April 2013

Get more out of your self

There is only one life to live and many dreams to achieve. Time is passing by fast and there is so much to see, do and achieve in life that one must desire to make the best of every opportunity and the time at hand to get more out of oneself. Your behavior is the key to help you understand how you can get more value from your time, efforts, actions and team. And don’t forget to follow through with yourself and the extent to which ideas, thoughts, actions and efforts are being driven consistently as per plan towards your goals, never sidelining the constancy of purpose while making necessary course corrections along the way to stay focused and determined to make your dreams happen, to succeed and excel. The following are the 18 keys to get more out of your-self and I will be taking you through in my next 18 blogs for that keep following me at
  1. Execution is your job and put your money where your mouth is
  2. Set clear goals and keep your nose to the grindstone
  3. Winners put their shoulder to the wheel for an effective planning
  4. Organize your-self head and shoulders above everyone      
  5. Bring daily rhythm with one-track mind
  6. Organizing and maintaining a balanced life is necessary for blue blood too
  7. In a nutshell right first time and every time is must  
  8. Be cool as cucumber and you have things to do
  9. Performing consistently and cut the mustard
  10. Button your lip and you have habits to break
  11. Chicken feed is also important to control costs
  12. You have a life to live and don’t live through the grapevine
  13. You have to value each minute of your life to perform on your dream
  14. You have happiness to find peace and a wild goose chase does not work
  15. Build internal feedback mechanism with a red letter day
  16. Learn to recognize, deal with unreasonable tasks and excuses
  17. High-level thinking is too broad & take it with a grain of salt
  18. Follow through and get things done as if ants are in your pants

Friday, 12 April 2013

Method & Tool for Walk the Talk

There is only one definite way to ‘Walk your talk’ and that is to remind yourself and your heart about your purpose in life.
Be with your belief, truth and translate your values to bring a cultural shift for building credibility. Start with small steps, dig yourself into real issues of the world and cut all your habits to demonstrate factual ‘Walk the talk’. Walking the talk becomes a reality when habits are fixed and followed daily, steadily, without rushing from one act to another without any linkage or progress. Habits are nothing but small not rushed acts made in the form of daily actions that become a habit which is linked with the personality and catches people’s attention as a person of character, who walks the talk.


Intellectual views on ‘Walk the Talk’:
1.   I challenge you to make your life a masterpiece. I challenge you to join the ranks of those people, who live what they teach, who walk their talk. - Tony Robbins
2.   Walking your talk is a great way to motivate yourself. No one likes to live a lie. Be honest with yourself, and you will find the motivation to do what you advise. - Vince Poscente
3.    May your life speak more loudly than your lips. - William Ellery Channing
4.    Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony. - Mahatma Gandhi
5.    Talking isn't doing. It is a kind of good deed to say well; and yet words are not deeds - William Shakespeare
6.   Your children will see what you're all about by what you live rather than what you say. - Wayne Dyer
7.    Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.’ - Dr. Seuss
8.   The best way to predict the future is to give a promise and then to carry it out. - Hannah Arendt
9.    Fear not, my lord, we will not stand to prate; Talkers are no good doers: be assured we come to use our hands and not our tongues. - Shakespeare's Richard III
10. ‘Well done is better than well said’. - Benjamin Franklin

This is my last blog on "Walk the Talk", Thank you very much for your comments and feedback. While writing I was re-calibrating with my inner-self and I was learning every moment continually.

Friday, 5 April 2013

Stick to your choice

Your choice

To accomplish our dreams one of the habit that one needs to develop is to confidently, without getting intimidated by people, circumstances and consequences be able to speak one’s mind. In the current environment, we need to set boundaries.  By setting clear boundaries of our values, we are enabling ourselves to find the balance it will actually provide energy to each aspect of our lives. Setting boundaries in our heart and mind will enable us to speak our mind and get the important things done.

To thy own self, be true, and it must follow, as the night and the day, thou canst not then be false to any man” (William Shakespeare, 1564-1616). The wonderful thing about character and integrity is that they are intimately related and also one of the few things in life that no one will ever be able to forcefully take away from you. Your good choices are your own. Even though someone can take your life, they can't force you to make a choice that you believe is wrong.  Look at the choices you've made in your past and observe how much you have or haven't lived by those principles. Be conscious every day of the decisions you make, however big or small and how close they bring you to being the person you really want to become.
Remember "...until a person can say deeply and honestly, I am what I am today because of the choices I made yesterday, that person cannot say, I choose otherwise."  Stephen R. Covey
A hungry wolf killed a sheep and wore its skin to get to the flock of sheep and kill some more. The sheep all thought that the wolf was also one of them and they lost their life. To accomplish your dream be with your gut level original choice.
I was reading “Achal Bakeri rescued Symphony by zeroing in on the products and tactics that were the company’s original recipe for success”, [ Forbes India, Aug’2012] Achal Bakeri narrated to Samar Srivastava as: Here is how it happened. In 1987 we moved into a new house in Ahmadabad, India, parts of which could not be air conditioned as it had high ceilings and long passages. Our architects suggested that we install air cooling. Till then we had never used air cooler. The performance was great but the product was an eyesore and we had to camouflage it.  That gave me an idea: Why can’t I make a better air cooler?  The next year I introduced my first cooler in the market under the Symphony brand name. I made sure it looked exactly like a wind air conditioner. By 1994 it became the national brand and we had our IPO. With lot of reasons of financial market and customer expectations we diversified into many more products such as washing machines, water heaters, flour mills, water purifiers and exhaust fans. None of these products succeeded. The reasons were different for each product category. First a lot of money went into development. Second, money went into marketing. As none of these products succeeded, there was a financial strain. The other thing that happened was that we took eye off the ball in the air cooler business, so the innovation was stopped with that result the range could not be expanded. As a result, by 2001 we had completely eroded our net worth and we became Board for Industrial and Financial Reconstruction Company.
That’s when I had two options – to shut shop or to revive the Company and stuck to the original choice of “Air cooler”. So we decided to focus and exited from all the other product lines. Between 2002 to 2008, our net margins doubled from 10 to 20 percent. Our most significant turning point came in 2008. We got an opportunity to acquire a majority stake in a Mexican company. Later we cooled a 200,000 square foot hall. This is something no one is doing on an organized scale in India. This is a virgin market. The potential is huge and we are currently talking to Walmart to air cool their super centers in Central America.
We have come a long way since our BIFR days. Today our market cap is at Rs. 800 crore, we are world’s largest air cooling company. Today, when we meet people from the markets, they ask me why I don’t get into other categories. But this time history is not going to repeat itself.  
Achal Bakeri’s Symphony stuck to the original good choice and instincts that steered them from being a sick company to a largest air cooler world player. 

Thursday, 4 April 2013

Stick to your original choice

To accomplish our dreams one of the habit that one needs to develop is to confidently, without getting intimidated by people, circumstances and consequences be able to speak one’s mind. In the current environment, we need to set boundaries.  By setting clear boundaries of our values, we are enabling ourselves to find the balance it will actually provide energy to each aspect of our lives. Setting boundaries in our heart and mind will enable us to speak our mind and get the important things done.

To thy own self, be true, and it must follow, as the night and the day, thou canst not then be false to any man” (William Shakespeare, 1564-1616). The wonderful thing about character and integrity is that they are intimately related and also one of the few things in life that no one will ever be able to forcefully take away from you. Your good choices are your own. Even though someone can take your life, they can't force you to make a choice that you believe is wrong.  Look at the choices you've made in your past and observe how much you have or haven't lived by those principles. Be conscious every day of the decisions you make, however big or small and how close they bring you to being the person you really want to become.
Remember "...until a person can say deeply and honestly, I am what I am today because of the choices I made yesterday, that person cannot say, I choose otherwise."  Stephen R. Covey
A hungry wolf killed a sheep and wore its skin to get to the flock of sheep and kill some more. The sheep all thought that the wolf was also one of them and they lost their life. To accomplish your dream be with your gut level original choice.
I was reading “Achal Bakeri rescued Symphony by zeroing in on the products and tactics that were the company’s original recipe for success”, [ Forbes India, Aug’2012] Achal Bakeri narrated to Samar Srivastava as: Here is how it happened. In 1987 we moved into a new house in Ahmadabad, India, parts of which could not be air conditioned as it had high ceilings and long passages. Our architects suggested that we install air cooling. Till then we had never used air cooler. The performance was great but the product was an eyesore and we had to camouflage it.  That gave me an idea: Why can’t I make a better air cooler?  The next year I introduced my first cooler in the market under the Symphony brand name. I made sure it looked exactly like a wind air conditioner. By 1994 it became the national brand and we had our IPO. With lot of reasons of financial market and customer expectations we diversified into many more products such as washing machines, water heaters, flour mills, water purifiers and exhaust fans. None of these products succeeded. The reasons were different for each product category. First a lot of money went into development. Second, money went into marketing. As none of these products succeeded, there was a financial strain. The other thing that happened was that we took eye off the ball in the air cooler business, so the innovation was stopped with that result the range could not be expanded. As a result, by 2001 we had completely eroded our net worth and we became Board for Industrial and Financial Reconstruction Company.
That’s when I had two options – to shut shop or to revive the Company and stuck to the original choice of “Air cooler”. So we decided to focus and exited from all the other product lines. Between 2002 to 2008, our net margins doubled from 10 to 20 percent. Our most significant turning point came in 2008. We got an opportunity to acquire a majority stake in a Mexican company. Later we cooled a 200,000 square foot hall. This is something no one is doing on an organized scale in India. This is a virgin market. The potential is huge and we are currently talking to Walmart to air cool their super centers in Central America.
We have come a long way since our BIFR days. Today our market cap is at Rs. 800 crore, we are world’s largest air cooling company. Today, when we meet people from the markets, they ask me why I don’t get into other categories. But this time history is not going to repeat itself.  
Achal Bakeri’s Symphony stuck to the original good choice and instincts that steered them from being a sick company to a largest air cooler world player.