Seven steps |
Make it a habit to scribble ideas and thoughts that come to your mind while travelling, watching TV, waiting at airports, railway station, bus station and restaurant for a dinner, reading an interesting book or flipping through a boring news paper or when you are unable to sleep, you are unhappy, in tension and as and when you get ideas 24/7 before it is too late. Ideas come to our brain every living moment of our lives but what is important is to recognize, cajole, articulate, script and synthesize those ideas. For this, we need to make a conscious effort to link our inner voice with all the ideas continually. To begin with, gather information about the use and future of your dream and independently make lists of the thoughts for each individual part of your dream. Then draw a “Mind” map – what you see in your mind’s eye – in terms of small inter-related concepts, sub-groups. Gradually these sub-groups will crystallize further into concrete ideas and they result into crystal clear “Mind” map. One does not have to be an artist to draw this “Mind map”, rather, one has to just get down to jolting various thoughts and concepts. These thoughts and concepts, together, will help to shape your dream for the short and long-term. There are no hard and fast rules for establishing dreams. However, they should necessarily answer “how much” and “when”. State a dream in quantified terms and specific times set. Set your dream in the context of the previously established accomplishments. One dream may have several goals to be achieved. Set dream from the short and long-term perspective, what’s the proper time frame for your dream? How far out should your planning horizon be - one year, three years, or maybe five years? Memorizeyour dream everyday and visualize what it would feel like once achieved. The more you visualize, the more you ponder over your dream, it becomes that much more realistic. At this point, it may also be a good idea to create a dream board with pictures of the dream you are aiming for, that would haunt every waking moment. Find a mentor or one who has achieved a similar dream or is in the field you are working toward. Research what things they have done that have helped and challenged them along their path to success. This may guide your own path for success, but we cannot just copy and create situations, contexts, scenarios or people for they are dynamic and complex and keep changing from era to era. However you can certainly draw similarities and references that would help and guide you.
Top seven steps (No one can do. You can only do it. You can, if you need.)
- Scribble and jot down all the ideas
- Select the ideas with complete statements
- Stitch them into common groups
- Sketch the common groups & individual ideas as your dream Map (Mind Map)
- Scale all the links and each node with an draft order of priority
- Study one more time all the nodes, groups, images and details
- Start your execution plans (Derived from the above six points)